Helping You Be the Best Version of You
Having been in nursing since 2006, I've seen a lot happen in healthcare. The transition from paper to electronic charting, insurance changes and shifts, a multitude of government policy changes, and a pandemic. Through it all, I learned that more and more people are looking to change their own health in a more holistic way. Not necessarily meaning a search for supplements, but a change in eating and lifestyle in order to reverse or avoid oncoming disease. However, most people don't know where to start.
In my own quest for personal wellness, I started seeing a nurse coach myself. The transformation I noticed was like none other. I became more calm, more centered, and I started finally losing all that pandemic weight because I was less stressed. My family took note of my calm presence, my ability to be more present and in the moment and focus my attention on THEM and what THEY needed, as well as taking care of myself. With this change and learned behaviors, I've been able to help my own family express themselves in a much more healthy manner.
Some women often find it difficult to ask for what they need or take care of themselves (especially moms) because of fear of seeming selfish. I want to help women be able to develop their self confidence by using their voice to ask for what they need and set healthy boundaries. I also love to help them develop increased awareness around their own emotions so that they can better manage and tune into those day to day emotions, the big and small ones. Doing so allows them to truly be present for even the smallest of moments. I love being able to uncover all of these emotions so that when the small things happen, you can feel into those just as much as the big things.
When I'm not busy coaching, you'll find me spending time with my boys and husband, and usually our dog. I love being active, especially outdoors, and have an affinity for delicious food. I love to travel but hate to fly, almost more than I hate the feeling of gummy bears. Traveling to new cities gives me the chance to immerse myself in different cultures and ways of living, as well as tasting all the food that I wouldn't get to normally eat, which lends its hand to new dishes in the kitchen!